
Originally from Strasbourg, France, François Luong is a poet, translator, graphic designer, and illustrator based in Oakland, CA.

With fourteen years of experience in the video game industry, he has worked on brands such as Rocksmith+, Assassin’s Creed, the Rabbids, Just Dance, Rainbow Six Siege, Far Cry, For Honor, and others.

His poetry, essays, and translations have appeared in The Canary, Verse, LIT, Typo, Jacket2, New American Writing, and elsewhere.

He is the translator of HK Live!, by Jérôme Game (CUHK Press), and with Geneva Chao, of Encrusted on the Living, by Nicolas Tardy (LX Press), both from French. He has also translated other poets from France, Québec, and the larger Francophonie. He was also the French translator of the graphic novel Valentine, by Alex de Campi and Christine Larsen.